1854年[US078]2月13日、ペリーが黒船9隻(Pawhatan、Susquehannna、Mississippi、Saratoga、Macedonian、Vandalia、Southampton、Lexington、Supply )で再度浦賀に来航した。同1854年[US078]3月30日には日米和親条約(通称:Treaty of Kanagawa)を締結し、日本は下田と箱館(函館)を開港し、アメリカに最恵国待遇を与えた。
「約束の通り7月に来てくれ」と言えばいいのに、と思いますが… そして、明らかにそう言うべきだったとわたしは思いますが…
結局、押し切られてしまった江戸幕府とペリーは日米和親条約(Convention of Peace and Amity between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan、通称Treaty of Kanagawa、1854年[US078]3月30日)を締結してしまいました。
[…] Article II.The Port of Simoda […], and the Port of Hakodade[…], are granted by the Japanese as ports for the reception of American Ships, […] The time for opening the first named Port is immediately on signing this Treaty; the last named Port is to be opened immediately after the same day in the ensuing Japanese Year. […]
Article IX.It is agreed, that if at any future day the government of Japan shall grant to any other Nation or Nations privileges and advantages which are not herein granted to the United States, and the Citizens thereof, that these same privileges and advantages shall be granted likewise to the United States, and to the Citizens thereof, without any consultation or deley. […]